Bee Balm Botanical Name

Bee balm botanical name
Monarda Beebalms / Scientific name
Why is bee balm called bergamot?
The reason that bee balm is also given the name bergamot is that the aroma reminded the botanist, Dr Nicholas Mondares – whose name was given to the Latin name of the plant, Mondara – of the citrus aroma of bergamot (Citrus bergamia).
What is bee balm used for medicinally?
Bee balm is used in modern herbal medicine to expel gas, to relieve nausea, in menstrual cramps, and as an expectorant to soothe sore throats (Foster 2006). Scientific research on the clinical effects of Monarda is lacking, but several of the components found in the essential oil from some species, such as M.
Is wild bergamot also called bee balm?
Wild bergamot is one of several plants also known by the common name of bee balm. Wild bergamot attracts a number of specialist bees, bumble bees, predatory wasps, hummingbirds, and hawk moths.
Is bee balm an edible herb?
Bee balm's attractive colors and minty orange scent is favorite for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. It is also a tasty edible addition for people. All above ground parts of the plant are edible. The leaves and flowers can be eaten raw or cooked.
Why do they call it bee balm?
Native Americans infused the Monarda plant in tea to treat lung ailments like colds and flu and used it topically as an antiseptic for wounds and to reduce the swelling of bee stings — hence, its common name: bee balm.
Why is bergamot not edible?
The flesh tastes the same way it smells: tart, acidic, highly fragrant, and spicy. But unlike other citrus fruits, it cannot be eaten fresh. Bergamot oranges are sour, despite the fact that the fruit is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, vitamins B1, B2, and A.
What scent is bergamot?
Bergamot - a versatile citrus fruit frequently used in the perfumer's palette. This small and round fruit is similar in scent to a sweet orange, but also has a fresh fruity quality with spicy hints, and it is used to create some of the most inspiring and evocative fragrances.
Is bee balm in Earl Grey tea?
Although called “wild bergamot,” bee balm is not used in “bergamot” (Earl Grey) tea, which is made with oils extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a citrus fruit.
Does bee balm repel mosquitoes?
Beloved for its ability to beckon bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, bee balm (Monarda) also earns rave reviews for its mosquito-repelling qualities.
Can you drink bee balm tea?
You can make tea from fresh or dried bee balm. I use the fresh flowers to make a blushing pink iced tea, but you can make tea from the fragrant leaves, as well.
Why is bee balm important?
But even more than that, bee balm is a multi-tasker. This old-fashioned garden favorite not only provides nectar for pollinators (think bees, butterflies, hummingbirds), but also seed heads for song birds, it's safe for kids and pets, and the scent from its crushed leaves can even repel mosquitoes.
Is wild bergamot used in Earl Grey tea?
This herb smells similar to bergamot and has been used medicinally by Native Americans for centuries. However, wild bergamot tea is not the same as classic bergamot or Earl Grey tea. Bergamot tea, also known as Earl Grey tea, is typically made from black tea leaves and dried bergamot extract.
What kind of herb is bergamot?
bergamot, one of several fragrant herbs of the genus Monarda (family Lamiaceae) or the fruit of the bergamot orange (Citrus ×aurantium). The bergamot herbs and the bergamot orange have a similar characteristic floral fragrance and are commonly used in perfumes and as a flavouring.
What is another name for wild bergamot?
Monarda fistulosa, commonly known as Beebalm & Wild Bergamot, is a native wildflower. As a member of the mint family, Wild Bergamot emits a light aroma from its leaves.
Is bee balm toxic to humans?
Bee balm flowers and leaves are edible. In fact, Native Americans use bee balm for many healing purposes. It's leaves are used to make tea. Bee balm is not poisonous for humans.
What insects does bee balm repel?
Common Pests or Diseases on Bee Balm:
- Aphids.
- Whiteflies.
- Spider mites.
- Stalk borers.
- Thrips.
Is bee balm invasive like mint?
Bee balm does tend to grow freely, so it may need some taming after a few years, although it tends not be truly invasive like other members of the mint family. For more, see all my plant suggestions for a cottage-style garden, and have a look around my garden here.
What part of bee balm is edible?
The leaves of wild bee balm are edible raw or cooked. They are also used as a flavoring in salads and cooked foods. The flowers make an attractive edible garnish in salads. Fresh or dried flowers and (or) leaves can be brewed into an aromatic tea.
Does bee balm smell good?
Not only does bee balm smell wonderful, but a herbal sachet used to make a herbal steam can help clear your nasal passages. Bee balm has a lot of thymol, the same constituent that makes thyme a natural decongestant.
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