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Rhaphidophora Decursiva Growth Rate

In ideal conditions, the Rhaphidophora decursiva is a fast-grower and may need to be repotted every year. If you notice that roots are growing from the drainage holes of your plant's pot, or are circling the bottom of your pot it is time to repot.

Does Rhaphidophora Decursiva grow fast?

The Decursiva plant has a relatively fast growth rate. In its wild habitat, it is capable of climbing up to 66 feet or 20 meters in height. If grown indoors, the size of Rhaphidophora decursiva is usually around 5-8 feet long (1.5 to 2 meters).

Is Rhaphidophora Decursiva a crawler or a climber?

Rhaphidophora decursiva, aka “dragon tail,” is a gorgeous climbing aroid with shiny green leaves that will make a bold addition to your houseplant collection!

How often to water Rhaphidophora Decursiva?

During the growing season (spring and summer), keep the soil moist by watering it when the top 1/2 of the soil becomes dry to the touch. Do not over-water. While the Dragon Tail likes moist conditions, it does not like its soil dense and soggy. Water less frequently in the winter.

Why is my Rhaphidophora not growing?

Not enough light. They'll get by in lower light areas, but not thrive in these places. It could be a light issue if you notice little to no growth. Move your plant out of the low light conditions and you should see improvement quickly. If you can't do this, look into getting a grow light.

Are Rhaphidophora Decursiva rare?

Rhaphidophora Decursiva is a rare Southeast Asian climbing plant that is a shop favorite. This aroid has a large satin green split leaf that brings a tropical feel to any environment.

Does Rhaphidophora Decursiva need moss pole?

This Rhaphidophora is known for its huge fenestrated leaves that mature as the climb. Having a moss pole or something for the decursiva to grow on is a must if you want large leaves. They have a dark glossy leave and are a must have to a plant collection.

How do you train decursiva to climb?

For the best growth of your Decursiva plant, it needs a structure to climb. Depending on the pot you received, your plant will need repotting every year, and it is best to provide it with a wood pole covered with peat moss. Doing this increases the growth rate, and it will even climb walls.

How do you make Rhaphidophora tetrasperma grow faster?

Water & Humidity Consistent and even moisture is key for growing the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma plant. They like even moisture at all times, but they can't tolerate soggy, muddy soil conditions. It's best to test with a fingertip to see if the soil still feels moist before watering.

Why is my Rhaphidophora Decursiva curling?

Keep a consistent watering schedule–water when the top 75% of the soil is dry. If you accidentally let your Rhaphidophora's soil dry out completely, you may see leaves go limp, droop, and possibly start to brown and curl. If the soil is extremely dry all the way through the pot, a thorough soak is in order.

Is Rhaphidophora Decursiva dragon tail?

Rhaphidophora decursiva, commonly known by its cultivar name 'Dragon Tail', is an easy to care for, visual striking, and fast growing houseplant. Leaves begin solid but emerge as split leaves as the plant matures. Eventually the leaves, which also get larger with maturity, take on an almost palm-like appearance.

How do you train Rhaphidophora?

PLACEMENT: Once you have enough height you can train your Rhaphidophora tetrasperma to grow up a trellis. Secure the vine with floral tape or plant clips until the nodes learn to sprout aerial roots and attach themselves to a moss pole or wooden trellis for stability.

Do Rhaphidophora like to be root bound?

Does Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma like to be root bound? These plants do NOT like to be root bound and do best in a slightly larger pot. Repot regularly, especially if you haven't been seeing much new growth.

Do Rhaphidophora like to dry out?

These plants do not like to go completely dry so pay attention to it if you want the best growth out of your Rhaphidophora! More important tips on moisture requirements in the section below.

How do I make my Rhaphidophora tetrasperma bushy?

You can create a more bushy plant by pruning the vines to encourage new growth. When pruning, use clean, sharp scissors to cut about a 1/4 inch above a node (meaning, the node is not included on the cutting).

How much light does a Rhaphidophora need?

Your Rhaphidophora prefers bright, indirect light. It can survive in medium light conditions but may stop growing or produce smaller leaves. Do not put it in full, direct sunlight—the sun will burn the foliage. Water your Rhaphidophora when the top 50-75% of the soil is dry.

Does Rhaphidophora tetrasperma need a moss pole?

This plant also LOVES to climb! You'll need to add some sort of support for your tetrasperma so it can grow tall and gorgeous! Purchase or make your own moss pole, trellis, or bamboo stake.

How do you encourage growth on a Monstera?

From spring through fall — your monstera's active growth period — give it bright indirect or filtered light. In winter when sun is less intense, direct light encourages the best color and leaf development. Water – Monsteras are tropicals, but they prefer that soil dries out slightly during active growth.

What is the rarest Monstera plant?

Monstera Obliqua is one of the rarest - and most demanding - monstera varieties out there and it's an expensive challenge only the most passionate plant parents attempt. If you're absolutely serious about getting one of these stunning houseplants, here are a few things you want to know about the Monstera Obliqua.

What are the rarest houseplants?

Big List of Rare Indoor Plants

  • Variegated False Bird of Paradise. Botanical name: Heliconia rostrata.
  • White Variegated Monstera. Botanical name: Monstera deliciosa 'Albo Variegata' ...
  • Tricolor Arrowhead Plant. ...
  • Chinese Evergreen, Red Aglaonema. ...
  • Nerve Plant. ...
  • Banana Shrub. ...
  • Red Mambo Jewel Alocasia. ...
  • Pomegranate.

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